Artikel über Fukushima in Political Communication

Im Fachmagazin Political Communication ist jetzt ein Artikel basierend auf den Daten unserer Inhaltsanalyse über die Medienberichterstattung nach dem Reaktorunfall von Fukushima erschienen. Im Zentrum des Artikels steht der Versuch, die nationalen Unterschiede in der Medienberichterstattung zu erklären.

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According to the theory of instrumental actualization in mediated conflicts, the mass media tend to exaggerate events consistent with the editorial line. This theory was tested using press coverage in Germany, Switzerland, France, and the United Kingdom on the Japanese seaquake, the tsunami it caused, and the nuclear disaster of Fukushima. Within a period of seven weeks after the seaquake, the coverage in the four countries in 27 national newspapers and magazines on the three events was analyzed. As hypothesized from theory, German and Swiss media concentrated on Fukushima and stressed its relevance to domestic nuclear plants, whereas French and British media placed a greater emphasis on the tsunami and rarely related the nuclear catastrophe in Japan to domestic nuclear programs. In addition, there were remarkable correlations between the views of journalists and the bias of statements on nuclear energy presented in their news sections. Findings are discussed and related to the theory of public opinion and political decisions in liberal democracies.